A Mother’s Story

Lena, a patient in our El Paso fertility clinic, shared her story with us recently. After the birth of a son in 2012, she experienced “unexplained infertility” also known as secondary infertility, in trying to conceive another child. At 36, she was referred to an El Paso fertility doctor and spent more than two years […]

National Infertility Awareness Week 2019

For women and their partners who struggling to become pregnant, we recognize National Infertility Awareness Week (April 22-28, 2019) as an opportunity to express our compassion and help provide hope. Dr. Lee Caperton recently appeared on a radio program to discuss the advancements in reproductive science to assist people trying to conceive. You can hear […]

The Impact of Age on a Woman’s Fertility

In previous decades, most women had completed childbearing by their mid to late 30s; today, many women in their 30s are just beginning to try to get pregnant, having completed their education and established their careers. The peak of a woman’s ability to conceive occurs in her early 20s, when the female reproductive system functions […]

How Lifestyle Contributes to Infertility

Most of the information about how lifestyle affects fertility focuses on females. While male lifestyle choices may affect fertility, there is less research on how mens’ lifestyle habits impact pregnancies or births. Studies show that choices made before and during pregnancy impact fertility and the fetus that a woman carries. Lifestyle, age and diet all […]

When Is It Time To Move On To IVF?

IVF is typically the last resort in fertility treatments, but for many patients, it might be the most effective and efficient method of overcoming infertility. Dr. Lee Caperton talks about the Caperton Fertility approach to diagnosing and treating patients, and how the least expensive method might actually become the most expensive in terms of both cost and time.