The Case for Single Embryo Transfer

There are numerous health risks to both the mother and babies associated with multiple births (twins or greater), which is why, at Caperton Fertility Institute, we strongly recommend all of our IVF patients consider elective Single Embryo Transfer. Given the emotional, physical and financial stress patients are under, it is only natural to want a little more insurance of a positive result, but that positive result isn’t aways positive when it comes to the health and well being of our patients. Here’s why.

When Is It Time To Move On To IVF?

IVF is typically the last resort in fertility treatments, but for many patients, it might be the most effective and efficient method of overcoming infertility. Dr. Lee Caperton talks about the Caperton Fertility approach to diagnosing and treating patients, and how the least expensive method might actually become the most expensive in terms of both cost and time.