Male Fertility: Vasectomy Reversal

At Caperton Fertility Institute (CFI), we want you to know that we deeply understand the pain and suffering that men go through when the process of getting pregnant with their partner is unsuccessful. While there can be several causes, let’s look at one of the common reasons that a man is not fertile– a previous vasectomy. […]

Low Sperm Count

At Caperton Fertility Institute, we are the Southwest region’s most experienced fertility center, treating infertility issues in men and women. While treatment of male infertility is not typically seen as the starting point in the journey to solve infertility issues, fertility tests in men are an important part of determining the course of treatment in […]

A Look at Secondary Infertility

Infertility comes in many shapes and sizes and can be painful, frustrating and taxing regardless of the situation. For men and women who struggle to get pregnant after naturally conceiving, secondary infertility can be confusing and very difficult. What is Secondary Infertility? Secondary infertility is defined as “The inability to become pregnant or carry a […]

The Value of the Right Diet During Fertility Treatment

As you learn more about how to best manage your fertility you will quickly find that there is more to it than just medication, tracking your cycle, and doctor appointments. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is an important part of your fertility treatment. One of the essential things you can do to improve your chances of […]

Preventing Frozen Eggs and Embryos Cryostorage Malfunctions

Thousands of Frozen Eggs and Embryos Compromised Our hearts are with all those individuals and families facing the tragic loss of thousands of frozen eggs and embryos in Ohio and California following the cryostorage freezer temperature malfunctions in the days past. We understand the shock and concern that has been exacerbated by these devastating events […]

Become a Gestational Carrier and Enrich Someone’s Life

Many people’s goals for the year involve seeking ways to create more meaning and fulfillment in their lives. Many times, these goals involve helping others and “paying it forward.” What about you? What are your goals for the year? Do they include finding ways to create fulfillment by enriching someone else’s life? If so, consider […]

Male Infertility – Crisis or Success Story?

A recent article in The New York Times discussed the decline in male fertility rates in the US, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand over the past 40 years. Many factors have contributed to this decline including stress, pollution, pesticide contamination in food and water supplies, tobacco use, and other environmental factors. So, what does this […]

Are These 6 IVF Treatment Fears Haunting You?

What are the most common fears when it comes to IVF treatment? Here are the top search suggestions that Google autocomplete suggests when I typed in “Does IVF…” “…hurt” “…work” “…cause cancer” “…work better the second time” “…work the first time” The results for a query on “Is IVF…” were similar with a few expected […]

IVF Offers Hope for Pregnancy After Miscarriage

National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month For women and couples that have experienced a miscarriage or pregnancy loss, you know how devastating and heartbreaking it can be. When you have been struggling to conceive for an extended period of time, it is that much more heartbreaking. Recurrent miscarriage can compound the devastation exponentially. After […]