Become a Gestational Carrier and Enrich Someone’s Life

Many people’s goals for the year involve seeking ways to create more meaning and fulfillment in their lives. Many times, these goals involve helping others and “paying it forward.” What about you? What are your goals for the year? Do they include finding ways to create fulfillment by enriching someone else’s life? If so, consider […]

Male Infertility – Crisis or Success Story?

A recent article in The New York Times discussed the decline in male fertility rates in the US, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand over the past 40 years. Many factors have contributed to this decline including stress, pollution, pesticide contamination in food and water supplies, tobacco use, and other environmental factors. So, what does this […]

IVF Offers Hope for Pregnancy After Miscarriage

National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month For women and couples that have experienced a miscarriage or pregnancy loss, you know how devastating and heartbreaking it can be. When you have been struggling to conceive for an extended period of time, it is that much more heartbreaking. Recurrent miscarriage can compound the devastation exponentially. After […]

When Is It Time To Move On To IVF?

IVF is typically the last resort in fertility treatments, but for many patients, it might be the most effective and efficient method of overcoming infertility. Dr. Lee Caperton talks about the Caperton Fertility approach to diagnosing and treating patients, and how the least expensive method might actually become the most expensive in terms of both cost and time.

7 Questions To Ask Your (Prospective) Fertility Doctor

When meeting with a prospective fertility specialist, it is important for you to come with questions to make sure you find the doctor and practice that is the best fit for you. Dr. Caperton, Founder of Caperton Fertility Institute shares some of the questions he recommends prospective patients ask when meeting with a fertility specialist for the first time.

No, I’m Not Pregnant Yet!!! (And Yes My Best Friend Is…)

How many times do patients who struggle with Infertility get barraged by well-intended friends, parents, colleagues, or clinicians about what they should and should not be doing in order to get pregnant. The myths and mysticism related to reproduction are deep and disenchanting; from the idea that you must ‘relax’ to get pregnant, to the idea that you must ‘lay in bed for 30 minutes’ after having intercourse or pregnancy will not occur…