Helping Gay and Lesbian Couples Become Parents

Caperton Fertility Institute welcomes all patients who dream of becoming parents, regardless of marital status or sexual orientation. We’ve helped many gay and lesbian couples become parents through our top-ranked fertility treatment, using intrauterine insemination (IUI), in vitro fertilization (IVF) or a gestational carrier or surrogate.

Our fertility clinics, located in Albuquerque, New Mexico and El Paso, Texas, are led by a board-certified reproductive endocrinologist and board-certified physician in obstetrics and gynecology. As the Southwest’s most advanced fertility center, Caperton Fertility is the region’s only designated Center of Excellence.

Options for lesbian couples that we provide include insemination of donor sperm into one or both female partners through IUI. We also offer autologous (into you) or reciprocal (into your partner) IVF in our state-of-the-art facility, where embryos are created in the laboratory and genetically checked for normal chromosome numbers and gender before being transferred into the uterus. We focus on single embryo transfer because our new technology has allowed us to dramatically reduce the risks related to multiple-embryo pregnancies (no more “Kate Plus Eight”) and maintain incredibly high pregnancy rates.

Sperm may be provided by a known or anonymous donor. Donor eggs can also be used, as well as a surrogate for implantation of the embryo. Caperton Fertility has a program for recruiting and vetting egg donors, as well as gestational carriers, and uses nationally registered sperm banks for the purchase of sperm. If you have a person who has agreed to be your known donor, we will explain the required screening process, and we can also help you connect with experienced attorneys to create a binding contract between all parties.

For gay male couples, sperm may be used from one or both partners. Following fertilization with a donor egg in our on-site, clean room laboratory using IVF, we genetically screen the embryos before selecting the “best” embryo to implant into a surrogate. The surrogacy process is a bit more complicated and expensive, as more screening and legal representation is required, but through our surrogacy program, we work to make this process as stream-lined and efficient as possible.

We make the journey to parenthood easy for all couples, helping provide access to trusted egg or sperm donors and surrogates so that you can choose the person that feels like the best fit for you. Our staff of fertility specialists and patient care coordinators welcomes you as you begin your journey to becoming parents and providing a loving home to your new baby. Schedule a consultation at the New Mexico or Texas fertility clinic nearest you.