Male Factor – TESE and MESA

Male Factor – TESE and MESA

Male Infertility Factor

Male infertility is a contributing factor in about 30% of all infertility cases. Our male infertility specialists are committed to finding the right procedure to ensure you and your partner can conceive without the use of donor sperm.

Male factor infertility is one of the major success stories in the realm of infertility treatment over the past 15 years

Prior to this time, any condition that caused a man to have insufficient numbers of sperm in the ejaculate – including injury, disease, genetic condition or vasectomy – left him with just one option – donor sperm. With the development of breakthrough medical procedures known as Testicular sperm extraction (TESE) and microsurgical epididymal sperm aspiration (MESA), sperm can be retrieved directly from the testicle or epididymis by a needle and injected directly into an egg via intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) to initiate fertilization. Through these surgical procedures, all that is needed in many cases is a single viable sperm in order to fertilize an egg (in contrast to 60 million or more in a single ejaculation) We can perform these procedures in our office under local anesthesia with minimal discomfort.

Furthermore, they can aid in conception in cases of azoospermia, oligospermia, retrograde ejaculation, testicular trauma or other conditions affecting sperm count and quality. Fertilization rates with testicular and epididymal sperm, whether fresh or frozen, are similar to that achieved with ejaculated sperm. These procedures have virtually eliminated the need for vasectomy reversal, and in the majority of cases allow couples to conceive without the use of donor sperm.

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