Únete a nuestra familia de esperanza: hazte donante de óvulos o portadora gestacional en el Instituto de Fertilidad Caperton

En el Instituto de Fertilidad Caperton creemos en la creación de familias y en fomentar la esperanza de quienes sueñan con ser padres. Actualmente buscamos personas compasivas y comprometidas que se unan a nuestros programas como donantes de óvulos y portadoras gestacionales. Con tu ayuda, podemos hacer realidad el sueño de formar una familia para […]

Intermittent Fasting & Fertility

A Helpful Strategy for Those Trying to Improve Health Many health issues are influenced by metabolic issues and underlying inflammation in the body, and a common culprit is an unhealthy diet resulting in being overweight. This extends to reproductive issues, too. If you’re struggling to get pregnant, improving your diet, habits and overall health can […]

How to Find the Right Fertility Doctor

It happens. You get the feeling. You’re ready to start a family. So you start trying. And trying. But nothing’s happening yet. You’re starting to wonder whether the stork needs directions! But don’t worry, it doesn’t necessarily mean something’s wrong. It might just mean you could use a little help. The standard advice in the […]

A Mother’s Story

Lena, a patient in our El Paso fertility clinic, shared her story with us recently. After the birth of a son in 2012, she experienced “unexplained infertility” also known as secondary infertility, in trying to conceive another child. At 36, she was referred to an El Paso fertility doctor and spent more than two years […]

How Lifestyle Contributes to Infertility

Most of the information about how lifestyle affects fertility focuses on females. While male lifestyle choices may affect fertility, there is less research on how mens’ lifestyle habits impact pregnancies or births. Studies show that choices made before and during pregnancy impact fertility and the fetus that a woman carries. Lifestyle, age and diet all […]

Male Fertility: Vasectomy Reversal

At Caperton Fertility Institute (CFI), we want you to know that we deeply understand the pain and suffering that men go through when the process of getting pregnant with their partner is unsuccessful. While there can be several causes, let’s look at one of the common reasons that a man is not fertile– a previous vasectomy. […]

Low Sperm Count

At Caperton Fertility Institute, we are the Southwest region’s most experienced fertility center, treating infertility issues in men and women. While treatment of male infertility is not typically seen as the starting point in the journey to solve infertility issues, fertility tests in men are an important part of determining the course of treatment in […]

A Look at Secondary Infertility

Infertility comes in many shapes and sizes and can be painful, frustrating and taxing regardless of the situation. For men and women who struggle to get pregnant after naturally conceiving, secondary infertility can be confusing and very difficult. What is Secondary Infertility? Secondary infertility is defined as “The inability to become pregnant or carry a […]

The Value of the Right Diet During Fertility Treatment

As you learn more about how to best manage your fertility you will quickly find that there is more to it than just medication, tracking your cycle, and doctor appointments. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is an important part of your fertility treatment. One of the essential things you can do to improve your chances of […]