Únete a nuestra familia de esperanza: hazte donante de óvulos o portadora gestacional en el Instituto de Fertilidad Caperton

En el Instituto de Fertilidad Caperton creemos en la creación de familias y en fomentar la esperanza de quienes sueñan con ser padres. Actualmente buscamos personas compasivas y comprometidas que se unan a nuestros programas como donantes de óvulos y portadoras gestacionales. Con tu ayuda, podemos hacer realidad el sueño de formar una familia para […]

Intermittent Fasting & Fertility

A Helpful Strategy for Those Trying to Improve Health Many health issues are influenced by metabolic issues and underlying inflammation in the body, and a common culprit is an unhealthy diet resulting in being overweight. This extends to reproductive issues, too. If you’re struggling to get pregnant, improving your diet, habits and overall health can […]

How to Find the Right Fertility Doctor

It happens. You get the feeling. You’re ready to start a family. So you start trying. And trying. But nothing’s happening yet. You’re starting to wonder whether the stork needs directions! But don’t worry, it doesn’t necessarily mean something’s wrong. It might just mean you could use a little help. The standard advice in the […]

Become a Gestational Carrier

Caperton Fertility Institute, located in Albuquerque, New Mexico and El Paso, Texas, is seeking healthy, responsible women who are inspired to help others achieve their dreams of having a family by being a gestational carrier / surrogate. For your tremendous act of kindness, the family offers a generous compensation package, in addition to covering expenses […]

A Mother’s Story

Lena, a patient in our El Paso fertility clinic, shared her story with us recently. After the birth of a son in 2012, she experienced “unexplained infertility” also known as secondary infertility, in trying to conceive another child. At 36, she was referred to an El Paso fertility doctor and spent more than two years […]

National Infertility Awareness Week 2019

For women and their partners who struggling to become pregnant, we recognize National Infertility Awareness Week (April 22-28, 2019) as an opportunity to express our compassion and help provide hope. Dr. Lee Caperton recently appeared on a radio program to discuss the advancements in reproductive science to assist people trying to conceive. You can hear […]

The Impact of Age on a Woman’s Fertility

In previous decades, most women had completed childbearing by their mid to late 30s; today, many women in their 30s are just beginning to try to get pregnant, having completed their education and established their careers. The peak of a woman’s ability to conceive occurs in her early 20s, when the female reproductive system functions […]

Infertility in Men: The Forgotten Male

Men may feel like the forgotten one in the process of fertility treatment, and they are almost always the last one to be considered when we think about the strain and emotional stress that couples go through on the “fertility train”. Dr. Lee Caperton, our reproductive endocrinologist and fertility specialist, personally understands what men encounter […]

Helping Gay and Lesbian Couples Become Parents

Caperton Fertility Institute welcomes all patients who dream of becoming parents, regardless of marital status or sexual orientation. We’ve helped many gay and lesbian couples become parents through our top-ranked fertility treatment, using intrauterine insemination (IUI), in vitro fertilization (IVF) or a gestational carrier or surrogate. Our fertility clinics, located in Albuquerque, New Mexico and […]