The Impact of Age on a Woman’s Fertility

In previous decades, most women had completed childbearing by their mid to late 30s; today, many women in their 30s are just beginning to try to get pregnant, having completed their education and established their careers.
The peak of a woman’s ability to conceive occurs in her early 20s, when the female reproductive system functions at its highest. After the early 20s, there’s a gradual loss of fertility which becomes incrementally more significant after the age of 35. This decline occurs despite everything appearing the same to the woman; regular, ovulatory menstrual cycles still occur even while there is a marked decrease in the development of follicles and oocytes, the cells that develop into a human egg.
Fibroids, endometriosis, and tubal disease become more common as women age and can also affect fertility, and the rate of miscarriage and chromosomal abnormalities in children are higher for older mothers.
Typically, women who have not conceived after 12 months of trying to become pregnant are advised to seek treatment from an infertility specialist. However, for women age 38 and older, it’s recommended to initiate an infertility examination after as little as six months of unprotected intercourse that has not resulted in pregnancy, and for women over 40 national guidelines are to be evaluated by a specialist after 3 months of trying.
At Caperton Fertility Institute, early intervention may make the difference for women in their 30s and 40s. All fertility treatments produce higher success rates in those who are younger, due to the rapid decline that occurs from aging; we help patients understand the complex process of fertility treatment and recommend a protocol to collaboratively work toward your goal of a successful pregnancy and birth.
Caperton Fertility Institute offers a full range of diagnostic, therapeutic and medical fertility treatments; our goal is to help our patients become parents in the most efficient and effective manner and time frame. We are one of the leading providers of safe in vitro fertilization procedures. Our diagnostic services include the most advanced testing and evaluation methods to help pinpoint the underlying cause(s) of infertility. We offer a wide range of diagnostic tests and procedures for female and male infertility, under the supervision of the region’s only board-certified reproductive endocrinologist and the Caperton Fertility team.
Schedule a consultation at our Albuquerque or El Paso fertility clinic and begin your journey to parenthood.